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US Legislative Update - 2nd Quarter 2023


Join this free webinar, with HillStaffer, NAFA’s legislative and advocacy representatives.

The California Air Resources Board recently approved the final version of the ACF regulation.  A number of other states like New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts are set to follow suit. Essentially, the ACF regulation requires all elements of fleets, from box trucks to buses to sleeper cabs, to be Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) beginning in 2035. The ACF regulation is likely coming to a state where you operate. This will mean revamping fleet purchases, and as many of these ZEVs will likely be All-Electric Vehicles (EVs), it will require extensive fleet charging infrastructure and associated electrical substation upgrades. NAFA has been active in the ACF development and has secured significant improvements in compliance flexibility for fleets.

This quarter’s Legislative Update will focus on the ACF regulation, what it requires, where it lacks, and what actions NAFA plans to deal with it and similar versions coming in other states. Other important issues that impact fleet operations like developments in federal electrification, catalytic convertor theft, and vehicle data access will also be covered.

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